Abnormal Pap
Unsure what your abnormal Pap means? We’ll explain everything and work with you in designing appropriate treatment and follow-ups.
Let's refresh - What is a pap smear?
During a Pap smear, a sample of cervical cells is collected and examined under a microscope.
Did you know?
About 5% of all Pap tests will be abnormal, meaning that the sample contains atypical cervical cells. However, the majority of these cells are not cancerous or even precancerous. An abnormal Pap test result does not mean cancer, but it does require follow-up to rule out the possibility of cancer.
When to schedule an appointment regarding an abnormal pap smear result
This visit type might be recommended if:
- You have a history of abnormal pap smears and want to talk about screening recommendations.
- Your pap results at Tia are abnormal and you want to discuss further.
- You have completed abnormal pap follow-up (colposcopy, LEEP) and want to discuss next steps and screening recommendations.
What to expect during your appointment
This is a consultation based visit to review previous pap smear results and discuss recommendations. It is very helpful if previous results are available and that they be uploaded to your Tia provider ahead of this visit.
Potential treatment plans and next steps
Once your provider has reviewed your
Did you know?
Abnormal Pap tests are very common. In fact, of the 3 million women with abnormal Pap tests each year, less than 1% (13,240 cases) will be diagnosed with cervical cancer.
Questions about your pap test? Join Tia's membership and schedule an appointment to discuss your options at the clinic nearest you!
Located in New York, Scottsdale, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.