In-Clinic & Virtual


Struggling to get a PCOS diagnosis or effective treatment plan? We take a holistic and personalized approach so you can manage this notoriously-complex syndrome.

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What is PCOS?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a

Did you know?

PCOS affects between 5% and 10% of women between 15 and 44.

common reproductive hormonal imbalance that can cause enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the edges. The ovarian cysts aren’t dangerous or painful. But the imbalances that lead to these cysts can also cause other symptoms like irregular periods, abnormal hair growth, weight gain, and acne. PCOS is also the most common cause of infertility in women. PCOS also increases your risk for other health concerns like diabetes and high blood pressure.

When should you schedule a doctor's appointment for PCOS?

If you are a new or existing patient with a known diagnosis for PCOS, you should an appointment to discuss management or the symptoms you're experiencing. Symptoms of PCOS include:

  • Irregular, particularly absent periods or long time between periods
  • Increased facial or body hair growth
  • Acne
  • Weight gain or difficulty losing weight
  • Did you know?

    PCOS is the most common cause of infertility in women.

    Difficulty getting pregnant

What do expect during a PCOS visit

A PCOS evaluation can take place in-clinic or virtually and is primarily a consultation visit to discuss your current symptoms, medical and medication history (with specific focus on period history), pregnancy history and risk factors for PCOS (like having family members with PCOS). The visit could result in orders for additional testing like bloodwork or ultrasound to make a diagnosis of PCOS.

Potential treatment plans for PCOS

There is no cure for PCOS but there are many options to manage your symptoms. Your provider will determine the best treatment for you based on your symptoms, medical history, and overall health, as well as your desire to conceive. Treatment options may include medication, lifestyle changes, or a combination of both.

Prescription Medications for PCOS
This medication suppresses androgens which can improve the symptoms of unwanted hair growth and acne.
This diabetes drug is believed to work by improving insulin sensitivity, which is commonly associated with PCOS. By lowering your insulin level, metformin allows many women to cycle more normally.
Hormonal birth control
For those who do not want to become pregnant, treating PCOS often involves taking hormonal birth control to manage the symptoms of PCOS, like painful periods, acne, and excess body hair. The pill, the patch, and the ring work by preventing ovulation which reduces the number of cysts on the ovary.
Supplements for PCOS
Is thought to improve insulin sensitivity, lower blood pressure and decrease inflammation.
Inositol may help reduce blood triglyceride levels, improve insulin function, lower blood pressure and promote ovulation in women with PCOS.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D promotes insulin sensitivity in addition to helping with calcium absorption.
Zinc may improve insulin resistance, decrease cramping with periods, unwanted hair growth and acne.
DIM (Diindolylmethane)
This is a phytonutrient derived from vegetables that blocks androgen receptors which can help with acne and unwanted hair growth.
Spearmint Tea
This has significant anti-androgen effects and contains compounds called polyphenols that have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties.
Peony & Licorice
The peony and licorice (Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang) combination has undergone clinical trials in which it was found to reduce testosterone and improve cycle regularity. Caution with high blood pressure as licorice may raise blood pressure.
Lifestyle Changes to Support PCOS
Increase Fiber Intake
Aim to get at least 25 grams of fiber per day.
Increase Healthy Fats
Healthy fats can help sustain your energy and support healthy cholesterol levels.
Try more restorative forms of exercise rather than high intensity.
Acupuncture can help to regulate the cycle, encourage healthy ovulation, reduce signs of androgen excess, and support metabolism.

Experiencing PCOS symptoms? Join Tia's membership and schedule your appointment.
