Breast Concerns
Are you experiencing nipple discharge, breast pain, or a breast lump? We’ll get to the root of your discomfort and create a plan for your breast health.
What is a Breast Concerns appointment for?
This visit to discuss and evaluate concerns in one or both breasts, which can be conducted virtually or in the Tia Clinic. This may include things like pain, nipple discharge, a new lump, changes in breast size, or cycle related changes in the breasts.
When should you schedule an appointment to discuss breast concerns?
While breast pain is
Did you know?
Breast pain is experienced by more than 70% of women during their lifetime.
- You have a new or changing lump or mass
- Your breast pain that is not associated with your menstrual cycle
- You're experiencing discharge from the nipple
For women who are still having menstrual periods, if the discharge doesn't go away on its own after your next cycle and occurs spontaneously, it is recommended to make an appointment with your health care provider for evaluation.
For women who have already gone through menopause and experience a spontaneous nipple discharge from a single duct in one breast only, it is important to see your provider right away for evaluation. - You're experiencing changes in size, shape, or feeling of the breasts that last beyond a menstrual cycle and not associated with pregnancy or lactation.
While most concerns related to breasts are not necessarily linked to
Did you know?
woman in the United States has a 13% (1 in 8) chance of developing breast cancer at some point in her life.
What to expect during your appointment
A breast concerns visit will most often include a clinical breast exam. During a breast examination, your healthcare provider will carefully examine your breasts, underarms, and the area just below your collarbone for any changes or abnormalities, such as a lump. They will visually inspect your breasts while you are sitting up and physically examine them while you are lying down to ensure thorough examination. Often the provider will recommend additional images with an ultrasound or mammogram. For concerns of nipple discharge, your provider may order labs.
Potential treatment plans for breast concerns
Typical treatment plans can vary depending on the underlying cause and are dependent on diagnosis. Following your exam, your provider may request additional imaging, labs, suggest hormonal medication adjustments, or referral.
Tips to help relieve breast pain:
- Try wearing a supportive bra, even in bed.
- Try wearing no bra, or a loose-fitting bra.
- Cut out or reduce caffeine like coffee, tea and soda.
- Cut down on salt and fat in your diet.
- Take daily supplement of vitamin E (200-400 IU) daily.
- Use primrose oil in the evening (not recommended for people with seizure disorders).
- Use a warm compress or take a warm bath/shower. In some cases, a cold pack or cool shower can also ease symptoms (never apply heat or ice directly to the skin of the breast).
Experiencing discomfort or unusual changes in your breasts? Sign up for a Tia membership and book your appointment.