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Abnormal bleeding

Heavy bleeding, clots, and spotting can be symptoms of an underlying issue. We'll diagnose what's causing the abnormal bleeding and find a treatment for you.

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What defines abnormal bleeding?

Abnormal uterine bleeding is bleeding may include heavier or lighter than usual menstrual periods, irregular menstrual cycles, bleeding between periods (intermenstrual bleeding), or postmenopausal bleeding in women who have already gone through menopause. Possible causes can include including hormonal imbalances, uterine fibroids, polyps, endometrial hyperplasia, blood clotting disorders, or certain medical conditions like thyroid disorders.

When should you schedule an appointment for abnormal bleeding?

Cycle legth, flow, the way your bleeding looks and feels

Did you know?

Up to 1 in 3 women will experince abnoraml uterine bleeding at some point between menarche (first period) and menopuase according to the National Instuitutes of Health.

can change throughout your life. Factors like sleep, stress, exercise, travel or illness can temporarily changes things about the cycle. Make an appointment to evaluate if you are consistently having:

  • Cycles that are less than 21 days or greater than 35 days
  • Bleeding through a tampon in uder 2 hours
  • Bleeding that happens between periods
  • Bleeding after sex
  • Skipping more than 2 periods in a row and you are NOT pregnant

What to expect during your appointment

During your appointment at Tia, your provider will conduct a thorough review of your medical history, any medications you are currently taking, your previous results from any gynecological visits, and your cycle history. Providers will also ask questions regarding any lifestyle changes or new stressors your might be experiencing.

At Tia, we recommend tracking and documenting as many details as possible regarding your cycle prior to your appointment. This can be saved on the notes app of your phone, a piece of paper, or a period tracking app. Having as much context as possible will aid your provider in determining a treatment plan and diagnosis.

Once all of your symptoms and medical history has been reviewed, your provider might also recommend a physical exam and pelvic exam.

What are potential treatment plans for abnormal bleeding?

Additional testing like ultrasound and or blood work may be recommended to make a diagnosis. Treatment will vary depending on diagnosis and can range from lifestyle changes, hormonal medication (like birth control), treatment of underlying disorder (like thyroid or STI), or surgery (for things like fibroids).

Experiencing abnormal bleeding? Sign up for Tia's membership and schedule an appointment.