Covid, and everything that came with it, exposed some of our blindspots and systems that needed updating. So we immediately shifted into resolve mode, which meant solving the immediate things like virtual care. On the surface this looked like a quick and important pivot, but behind the curtain, we were simultaneously evolving many of our systems (like our updated

The health record is our patient intake form, also known as all of those questions we ask you when you join Tia.

health record) and processes in real time...during a global pandemic! Let’s take a peek behind the curtain at how we shifted gears, got curious, and used the moment to make technology that makes things more collaborative and meaningful for both patients and providers.

The Set Up: how we got here

Testing and learning is at the heart of everything we do at Tia. Case in point: Our first NYC clinic, which was a physical manifestation of our ideas about the future of healthcare.

With tech-powered interventions like our Health Record 1.0 and our in-room

Think: an interactive in-exam room white board that acts as a space for Tia patients and providers to collaborate and make a plan together.

"third screen", we proved the model worked and was really unique, so we set out to refine and update it. Then Covid hit. In a matter of days, we went from rolling out updates to creating an entirely new service line — virtual care. One year later, we know virtual care is here to stay. Now that we can safely think about what comes after Covid, we’ve started asking if it has to stay the way it is (which is better, but not perfect).

  • How do the changes we made out of necessity (like video visits) evolve and get stronger, so there not a lesser than version of in-person care?
  • How can we connect the dots between virtual and in-person, so they’re in sync, but different? And most importantly, help us know you better?
  • How can our

    Not everything (in women’s health), can be done on the Internet, so with our new clinics, we needed to ask how we could make our technology in the service of our relationships with both patients and providers.

    virtual care meet you before you’re sick, so we’re actually preventing illness vs. treating it?
  • How can we reimagine the clipboard through a tech-driven lens, so it’s intuitive and inclusive?

Meet the Makers: Devon + Ari

Tech at Tia is about relationships. Naturally, many of our most important products and tech upgrades result from the relationships among different teams who work together to solve pain points in your healthcare journey.

Virtual Care by the Numbers

True story: Our new health record originated from a 300 page document, based on our care model and designed to help Tia providers access a patients' allostatic load. But a lot more facts, figures, and freakishly long spreadsheets went into creating our newest tech products.

The Making Of: Virtual Care

Pre-Covid, 100% of Tia's services we're delivered IRL. That all changed overnight with Covid, when we launched virtual care to help our community navigate the crisis remotely. We very quickly learned that e can do more virtually than we ever imagined — primary care, mental health and even many GYN consults! And then when done right, virtual does not need to be a lesser than version of in person care, but a powerful form factor that can make care more convenient. Swipe through to see how we made virtual care feel intentional and distinctly Tia.

"Virtual care is here to stay. I am not 100% sure what is next, but I am excited to find out. I think we will really see virtual care evolve over the next few years. Maybe we will start seeing home testing that can be incorporated with virtual visits." - Devon Klauck, Lead Nurse Practitioner

The Making Of: Our new, more inclusive and extensive health record

Can one 300 page document change your relationship to healthcare? Our hypothesis is: Yes. For two years, we’ve been working to update our “clipboard” otherwise known as the Health Record to both ground our care model and also model a more inclusive way of addressing the needs of our community. No small task! Real talk, the updates we’ve made will help our providers (and you!) connect and create a plan for your care, they’ll also require that you spend a little more time answering questions. Swipe through to see why that matters and how our new health record got made.

Don’t just follow along, join the #TheMakingOf on Instagram.
