We’re proud to present our first Women’s Primary Care “Plus” Outcomes Report. In it, we explore the state of healthcare for women in the U.S., and share exciting findings that show how Tia’s comprehensive model is connecting our members to essential primary care that makes women healthier.

The report is based on data from tens of thousands of patients across California, New York and Arizona, where Tia delivers hybrid virtual and in-person care, and is full of detailed information about our patient populations and how our comprehensive model fills in key preventive care gaps.

Let’s take a look at what women in America are facing—and how Tia is transforming their healthcare.

The problem: It’s 2023, and women still aren’t getting the healthcare they need.

Women are powerful yet underserved customers in healthcare.

Women are the most powerful healthcare consumer in the U.S., commanding 80% of all healthcare dollars and 70% of all prescription fills from drug stores. Even with their outsized impact, the U.S. healthcare system isn’t designed for them.

In America today, nearly half of women are medical orphans with no primary care provider (PCP).

Tia defines medical orphans as patients who don’t have a primary care provider or who don’t get primary care from a specialist, like an OB-GYN. The impact of this primary care gap is manifold: limited access to preventative care, poor health outcomes and rising costs—issues that are significantly worse for women of color.

Without primary care, women face multiple challenges.

Limited Access

  • Women are 44% more likely than men to report gender discrimination as a serious problem in healthcare, with higher rates for Black women, according to a TODAY|SurveyMonkey survey.
  • The average wait time to see an OB-GYN has doubled to 30 days in the last five years, according to an AMN/Merritt Hawkins survey.

Poor Outcomes

  • Women are two times more likely than men to have a mental illness, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.
  • Black women are 2-3x more likely to die in childbirth than white women, according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.

Rising Costs

  • Spending on females ages 19-44 was 58% more per capita than men in the same age group, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ U.S. Personal Health Care Spending report.
  • 1 in 3 women in the U.S. report skipping medical care due to costs, according to a Commonwealth Fund brief.

Our solution: Tia's primary care "plus" model makes women healthier.

Tia defines primary care “plus” as a care model that integrates primary care alongside gynecology, mental health, and wellness care. This model has proven effective in connecting a diverse group of women to critical preventative care.

We serve women who were medical orphans.

According to a third-party analysis of Tia’s patient population, 70% of members did not have a PCP before joining Tia and 86% had no OB-GYN.

Our members have diverse lived experiences.

44% of members identify as Black, Latinx, Asian, or mixed race; 61% have a chronic condition; a shocking 29% report a history of abuse or sexual trauma; and 5% use a pronoun other than she/her.

Our members are highly engaged in their care and delighted by the care they receive.

Our members are highly engaged in their care, averaging five visits per year. Our members also report a high degree of satisfaction with their care,, as indicated by Tia’s 85 net promoter score (NPS)—compared to -1.2 for the primary care industry at large.

Tia makes women healthier by filling in key primary, reproductive, and mental health gaps.

Our primary care “plus” model treats these areas as inextricably linked, and we measure well above national standards on key screening and reduction metrics.

Primary Care

  • 65% of Tia patients completed a comprehensive physical examination, compared to a national benchmark of 14%, according to a review of national data in JAMA Internal Medicine—or four times the national rate.
  • 72% of Tia patients with diabetes have their condition under control, compared to a national benchmark of 55%, according to an analysis of 2022 MIPS historical quality benchmark data.

Reproductive Care

  • 94% of Tia patients are up to date with their cervical cancer screenings, compared to a paltry national benchmark of just over 35%, according to an analysis of 2022 MIPS historical quality benchmark data—or nearly three times the benchmark.
  • 45% of Tia patients have had an HIV screening, compared to about 15% of all people nationwide, according to an analysis of 2022 MIPS historical quality benchmark data—or three times the benchmark.
  • 52% of Tia patients between the ages of 18 and 26 who report being sexually active received a chlamydia screening, which compares to the national benchmark of 38% of women in a similar cohort, according to an analysis of 2022 MIPS historical quality benchmark data.

Mental Health

  • 91% of women seeing a Tia provider were screened for depression (PHQ-2 or PHQ-9), as compared to data included in a study from the Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality that indicated a 49% rate nationally—or nearly double the benchmark.
  • 74% of Tia patients who are receiving care for depression report a significant improvement in quality of life compared to previous study of patients with major depressive disorders, which found 67% of those receiving monotherapy reported a quality-of-life improvement.

Our model of care makes women feel heard.

In addition to the stats, we also have the stories straight from our members, who see our care model at work every day.

Our individualized approach centers our members.

Hear what Tia Chief Clinical Officer Jessica Horwitz has to say about Tia’s clinical approach to women’s healthcare.

Want to go deeper?

Are you interested in expanding access to primary care plus for women? Get in touch at health-systems@asktia.com.